Being a Study Volunteer
What to Expect Before Joining a Study
Every aspect of a research study is carefully planned, and all of Atrium Health and Wake Forest University School of Medicine studies follow federal guidelines for safety.
When you join a study, you receive contact information from the researcher leading the study. You'll also obtain detailed materials explaining how the study will be conducted and information about your involvement and care during the study.
You will have an opportunity to ask questions about the study and you will be asked to sign a consent form for your participation. Before consenting to participate in the study, you should:
- Discuss your desire to participate with a relative, friends, nurse or doctor.
- Write questions down in advance and understand the answers you are given.
- Review all of the material before signing the consent form.
Patient Bill of Rights
Atrium Health and Wake Forest University School of Medicine research studies follow strict codes of conduct. Our Clinical and Translational Science Institute's Human Research Protection Program (HRPP) is charged with ensuring the safety, ethics, and regulatory reviews of research projects.
The HRPP also oversees the conduct of research studies to ensure they meet all federal and state laws, as well as Wake Forest Baptist Health policy. The primary federal agencies that establish patient safety standards are the National Institutes of Health and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
If you participate in a research study, you can choose to leave at any time. Feedback, which can be offered anonymously, welcomed.
Questions to Ask When Considering a Study
If you are considering participating in a research study, feel free to ask any questions about the study, your care and possible risks and benefits. Questions may include:
- What is the study and who is conducting it?
- How might this study help me as a patient and others in the short and long term?
- What will be done in the study and how long will it last?
- Will I know if I am receiving an experimental drug or treatment or a placebo?
- Can my condition get worse by being in the study?
- What will be done to protect my health while I am in the study?
- Will this study replace my regular care?
- How will my privacy be protected when I participate in the study?
- If I want to stop the study, am I allowed to drop out?
- Are there extra charges to participate in the study?
- Does my insurance cover the cost of being in the study?
Need more information?
We conduct hundreds of clinical trials every year in an effort to detect, treat and prevent disease. Clinical trials conducted here are managed by professionals, including an MD or PhD faculty with specific expertise in the disease area, who have research experience.